About me, please look at my website. About others, please read this. PRESS RELEASE: GREAT IDEA. SHARE YOUR SKILLS AT YOUR LOCAL VETERAN'S CAMPUS. PASS IT ALONG. Whitney Lane of Lane Photography in New York is volunteering to give Photography Seminars to interested Veterans at a local Campus along the Hudson River. Whitney studied Art and Photography at Rhode Island School of Design, Brown, School of Visual Arts and was Unit Photographer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He has traveled extensively over the past 40 years doing photography (including underwater) all over the world for different clients. His work, which includes Assignment and Stock can be seen at: http://www.whitneylane.com. He also encourages others to donate their time and talents to enrich the lives of Veterans who are at home or who are coming home. It really means so much to them, that someone cares. You give, but in return you get so much more back than you can ever imagine. Semper Fi. For more information you can reach Whitney at: [email protected]. Member: U.S. Marine Corps, American Society of Media Photographers, APA, BBB. Whitney Lane/Photographer, 109 Somerstown Road, Ossining, New York 10562